Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Diary briefs

The Civil War Diary of Rev. James Sheeran - The Catholic University of America Press, Googlebooks

Miss Weeton Governess and Traveller - Alan Roby’s website, Lancashire Evening Post

Diary evidence in US stabbing case - Austin American-Statesman, The Sun

The Siege of Leningrad - Harvard University Press, The Spectator

Our Israeli Diary - OneWorld, The Spectator

George W. Pearcy’s POW diaries - Veterans History Project, Washington Post

They Called Her Cate - PRWeb, Union Leader

Lady Bird Johnson’s diaries online - Discover LBJ

WWI diary of gunner Lawrence - Soldier on the SommeMashable

Diary of wartime Shanghai - Earnshaw Books, Shanghai Daily

Australian weather history in diaries - The Conversation

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