Thursday, July 3, 2008

Unsecret secret diaries

I love books and news stories about secret diaries. There’s one today, and there’s going to be another in three weeks. The diaries may have been secret once upon a time, but my headines would be Angelina Jolie’s pregnancy diary - no longer under wraps; and Abigail Titmuss’s diaries - no longer secret. Everybody knows! is reporting a story today that Angelina Jolie, who has three adopted children and one natural child and is now expecting twins, has a ‘secret pregnancy diary’. The story originates, I think, from the National Enquirer (but its website does not appear to be working as I write) and from an anonymous source who said the ‘journal is very special to her and she's keeping it private, even from Brad’. The source added that Angie jokes in the journal that she's ready for her twins to ‘just come out and get it over with’.

Hardly a secret diary, though, especially if I know about it.

And three weeks from today, on 24 July, Headline Review (which astonishingly lacks a website at the moment) is due to publish The Secret Diaries of Abigail Titmuss: How to Play the Fame Game and Come Out on Top. According to the publisher’s blurb (see Amazon), Titmuss ‘tells it like it is’. The diaries follow Titmuss’s life from nurse, to model, to business woman, and to her obsession with being a celebrity. Her diaries, the blurb promises, are ‘fabulously racy, scorchingly honest and always just a little bit tongue in-cheek’.

But - after 24 July - no longer secret!

1 comment:

  1. The Secret Diaries of Abigail Titmuss.....¿How- to book?
